- News
New CDFI - Ogden/Weber County
The Ogden Reinvestment Corporation CDFI was certified this Spring and the initial investments are in place. Non-profits seeking construction and/or gap financing for work force single or multi-family housing projects in Weber County or contiguous areas hould contact our offices for more information; resources are available now. Watch for upcoming news on a new local fund serving Salt Lake County and Rural Utah later this Summer...we are on the move to bring additional resources to under-served markets in 2010 for both small business and affordable housing development.
Expanded Cultant Team & Services
We have been in our new space now for a year and our consultant team continues to grow. Check out our team member listing and the expanded field work they are conducting, including: management services, municipal support, and technical assistance to affordable housing entities statewide. This year we are working with the USDA to provide assistance to rural organic farms. Print off our brochure posted under the "Community Development" tab outlining more details and give us a call.
UWFHI Progress Report
Over the past three years, LCDI has taken off from a new start in the affordable housing industry and has become a change agent in Utah Communities. See updates here on Boulder, Moab, Logan, South Salt Lake, and Vernal. We are pleased to announce the completion and wide spread usage of our Affordable Housing Guide Book and Housing Analysis Statisical Model - check them here under the tab entitled "UWFHI, Housing Tool Kit." We are working on a commercialization grant now to make the application web-based for 2011. The consultant team has delivered more than 4,500 hours of technical assistance and brought $68 MM in transactions to fruition and developed a pipeline of nearly $60 MM more to date! More information on projects will soon be featured on the web-site enabling us in real time to share local best practices in housing planning and project development.
- Education
Affordable Housing Guidebook
"The Guidebook For The Development of WorkForce Housing" is now available on line to assist citizen planners, non-profit housing developers, housing authorities and local governmental entities alike. It is a user friendly tool to assist communities and key stakeholders in understanding the unique housing needs of their citizens and how they can play a proactive role in developing housing opportunities; especially at mixed price points and of varying housing types. The book covers demographic trends, models for housing assessment, key components of a successful and easily implemented housing plan, creative design for single- and multi-family units, practical tools and strategies for implementing workforce housing goals and resources to finance housing development. It's a must read for those interested in cultivating stronger communities from the ground up. Watch for the new edition coming out later this Summer.
Housing Estimating Model
A sample of the "Housing Estimating Model" can be found here under the site's "UWFHI, Housing Tool Kit" tab, as well as instructions for the use and interpretation of the results. It is a software tool designed to be used in conjunction with other Utah WorkForce Housing Initiative best practice publication materials. This software will help local planners evaluate affordability, demand, and potential market opportunities for workforce housing and housing needed for special needs populations. The software has been updated since the original statewide trainings. If you are a present user email us about the latest version before you update your housing plan. Funding will soon be available to help cover a usage fee and a small number of technial assistance hours for qualified OWHLF communities. Watch for our new AOG training schedule which will roll out early this Fall. Housing planning has never been easier!
LCDI & BEBR Market Studies
LCDI is working with the University of Utah, Bureau of Economic & Business Research to address gaps in housing information which can better assist developer and lenders in understanding market needs and generate solutions to future housing development capacity and financing. Watch for future articles posted under the "UWFHI Housing Tool Kit" tab.
- Community
UWFHI Lending Parntership(s)
The UWFHI Lending Partnership is a creative and responsive solution in bringing available financial resources to local communities across Utah. This is not business as usual - this is banking to meet your community's priority housing needs. Check out our community local first funding champions listed herein. Special thanks to our 2010 partners of the year Ally Bank and Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A.
New Social Investment Fund Survey
In late June you will all be receiving a survey tool via email asking you to respond to your social service or housing entity funding and financial needs. Please join LCDI, the Utah Housing Coaliton and the UNA as we seek to review the data and structure a new social investment fund and write another CDFI application with the Utah Business Lending Center to serve both Salt Lake County and our partners across Utah. Your participation will assure the right new financial tools are brought forward to assist you with future operations and development plans. Our team is hard at work trying to make what it is you do easier!
New Community Selection Process
LCDI will shortly be announcing the selection of two new communities to begin comprehensive work with over the coming three years. If your community is interested in conducting citizen and key stakeholder planning processes - If you are willing to match fund housing plan technical assistance costs - If you are prepared to prioritize your local dollars and invest in housing development call us for more information about how we can help at 801.509.1289. Inquiries should be made by no later than July 30, 2010.
Cultivating Stronger
Communities Together
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